Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I've been slacking!

It's been a little crazy around here lately so I've been slacking on the blog. School is back in session for Trey and I. I am taking Business Finance and Administrative Theory this semester. I'm not sure I made a good decision to take 2 classes this time. I will do what I would tell either of my sisters.......suck it up!

Trey is in 6th grade this year and playing the trumpet in the band. On top of me trying to get my homework done, he is practicing his trumpet every night. Do you know how hard it is to write a case study for my Admin Theory class when a squeaky trumpet in the background? But they say practice makes perfect.

Trey raced another long course mini race at Ada a few weekends ago. He is really digging this long course mini thing. I wish I had his energy! We have 2 more races and this year's season is over. Someone is starting a winter series that we are talking about racing some if the weather will cooperate. Although, I'm sure would ride even if the ground was frozen and covered in snow!

Well, I guess I better started getting for another day of work. Until next time.............


Jennifer said...

You're a busy woman, April. It's hard to keep all those ball in the air, huh?