Sunday, December 7, 2008

Little Boys

I found this poem and fell in love:

Little Boys

Little boys come in all shapes and sizes,
Shy and adventurous, full of surprises,
With misshapen halos and mischievous grins,
Small dirty faces, and sweet, sticky chins.
They'll keep you so busy, and yet all the while
Nothing can brighten the world like their smile.
And no greater treasure has brought homes more joy
Than a curious, active and lovable boy!

I have to admit that when I found out I was pregnant I wanted a little girl. What mother wouldn't love to have a little girl to dress up? I found out I was having a little boy and was okay with that even though I really wanted that little girl.

Now that I have my little boy I wouldn't trade him for the world. He has given me more joy and love than I could have imagined. But I have one question.........why do they have to grow up so fast? I have added a few pictures from over the years.

The wonderful missing teeth picture:

Learning the hard way that walking with your arms inside your coat isn't a good idea. When you trip and fall on the sidewalk the only thing to stop you is your face:

Crazy hair after bath time picture:

So sweet when he is sleeping:

All dressed up and look how little he was standing next to Mark.

Growing up and going to band camp:

Now look at him, he keeps growing, I don't know what I am going to do! I am about 5 ft 6 in and had on heels in this picture. I have started taking food donations. I don't know where he puts it but the boy is about to eat us out of house and home! Of course I wouldn't trade any of it for the world!


Justin and Melissa said...

awwwwww! I love all the pictures! He was such cute little boy and has turned into a handsome young man. He is a great kid!

Jennifer said...

I second Melissa. You (and Mark) have raised a wonderful, handsome young man.
Sorry about the food budget ;-)