Monday, February 9, 2009

All-Region Honor Band

Trey had his All-Region Honor band concert February 7. They had to wear their concert attire which is a dress shirt, tie, dress pants and dress shoes. This isn't normal for him, he is a jeans and t-shirt kind of kid. I can't even get him to wear a polo shirt. If it has a collar, he doesn't want to wear it. I think that all changed on Saturday.

My parents along with my Grandma and Earl attended the concert. Everyone kept telling him how handsome he was and how well he cleaned up. I will have to admit, my baby boy was handsome!

I wanted to get a few pictures of him dressed in his concert attire. I don't usually see him dressed up so I needed a photo for memory. Of course taking a picture of Trey and getting him smile is a big issue. He thinks when you have your picture made you just stand there.

This is the first picture that was taken:

Mark told him "can't we see a smile" and we get this:

Finally thought it all we get this picture and it is perfect!

We are very proud of him in making All Region Honor Band.


Justin and Melissa said...

He is so handsome!!!

Jennifer said...

I kinda like the one without the smile. He look contemplative and serious.
And yes. Handsome.
Can't wait to hear about the concerts.

†Gerri said...

Way to go, Trey!! He looks so grown up, April. Good looking boy.